Our approach to staff
... it is for doers, achievers, determined “fighters” who agree with our values and our code of conduct. We do not believe that our staff should conform to a single standard profile. On the contrary, we welcome diversity in terms of background, experience and personality. Some of our colleagues had never thought of working for a bank before they came to ProCredit, but now they are very pleased to be with us! Our demanding selection process is transparent. It focuses on you as an individual, not on the connections you might have.
... to provide excellent and responsible service to our clients in a challenging environment, and to make our institution better. Given our lean organisational structure, this means taking on demanding tasks, new projects, and additional responsibilities that may go beyond the standard job description. It also includes routine and boring tasks and sometimes extra time, for work and/or for training.
...directly to the success of the institution, and we see the results of our work. Our simple organisational structure and flat hierarchy assigns clear responsibilities to each of us in working towards a common purpose. It also provides the basis for a fair assessment of each employee, based entirely on his/her own performance and contribution. Top management takes an active part in the institutional evaluation of staff and keeps a constant dialog with us to ensure that we always achieve better results.
Success is recognised not only through monetary rewards, but more importantly through opportunities for professional and personal development. Our salary structure is fair and transparent, and is valid for all staff across the group. We pay fixed competitive salaries. We do not reward our staff with target-based bonuses because we do not want them to tempt clients into making inappropriate financial decisions. All salaries are kept within a fair range: as a matter of principle, the highest salaries are never more than 10 times the minimum salary in the bank.
... and strive to be ahead of the changing environments in which we operate. This is only possible because each of us has the curiosity and inner drive to move forward.
The ProCredit group invests heavily in a wide array of training to make our institutions stronger. All new employees go through an international, six-month onboarding process. Position-specific courses and group-wide thematic workshops ensure that each staff member has the right skills and competencies. To meet the demands that come with holding responsibility for leading staff, all of our managers are required to attend courses at our academies. Going beyond the confines of conventional management training, our academies confront the participants with essential philosophical, historical and social questions. While at the academies, the managers develop a strong sense of solidarity and common purpose, which they share with each other, with their staff and with the institution as a whole. Our common identity and language are also fostered by group-wide training in humanities, ethics, English and much more…